The latest sanctions against Srebrenka Golić and associates of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik – Branislav Okuka and Jelena Pajić Baština, are new evidence of American arrogance and the continuation of policies against the Serb people and Republika Srpska, stated the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac.

Košarac noted on his Instagram account that the sanctions are literally a torment over people who have committed absolutely no offense.

“The absurd policy in the most literal sense of the word! American sanctions due to organizing January 9, the Day of Republika Srpska, cannot shake us. To be completely honest, we will celebrate them as decorations! We will never succumb to pressure, threats, and blackmail. They cannot stop us in protecting the interests of Republika Srpska, its constitutional capacity, the Serbian people, and everything that makes Republika Srpska a state. They will not intimidate us with absurd sanctions, and even less prevent us from proudly and dignifiedly celebrating the birthday of our homeland, established in peace and in a democratic manner,” emphasized Košarac.

He adds that Republika Srpska is our love and the guarantee of our survival in these territories.

“As for what the American administration, Murphy, Schmidt, and the company think… Well, we care about that as much as last year’s snow!” Košarac messaged.

Source: RTRS
