The National Assembly of Republika Srpska has considered the Proposal of the Law on the Preservation of the Cultural and Historical Heritage of the Hilandar Monastery, proposed by the President of the Republic, Milorad Dodik. The goal is to fulfill all legal and formal prerequisites for continuous institutional support to this holy site.

Marko Romić, Advisor to the President of Republika Srpska, while presenting this act in the National Assembly, stated that its adoption would create the possibility to ensure continuous, certain, and secure financial support through the budget of Republika Srpska.

The explanation of this act indicates that Republika Srpska, through its competent bodies and with regular notifications to the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serb Orthodox Church, would participate in organizing celebrations and significant dates, as well as perform other tasks of importance for preserving the tradition and culture of Hilandar’s historical heritage.

According to the proposed law, the ways of support and assistance that Republika Srpska, through its bodies, would provide for the preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of Hilandar are regulated.

Activities and programs for preserving and fostering historical, religious, and cultural traditions, monitoring the condition, research, presentation, and interpretation of the movable and immovable cultural-historical heritage of the Hilandar Monastery will be undertaken.

The explanation also notes that the works on this heritage, renovation, reconstruction, and other protection measures of existing objects, construction of new monastery objects, restoration, etc., will be monitored.

It is highlighted that the funds for performing the tasks proposed by the law will be provided in the budget of Republika Srpska, and for the realization of projects for preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the Hilandar Monastery, funds can also be provided in the budget of a local self-government unit, through donations and other sources, in accordance with the law.

This act stipulates that the Government of Republika Srpska will form a commission for the Hilandar Monastery as a special working body with composition and tasks, for considering issues within its competence, providing proposals, opinions, and expert explanations.

The Hilandar Monastery has been a unique center of Serb spirituality, culture, education, and tradition since its establishment in 1198, as an autonomous monastic institution, representing an invaluable asset for the local cultural-historical heritage.

Together with the entire heritage of Mount Athos, it is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Source: RTRS
