The story of the new resolution on Srebrenica is an attempt by Bosniaks to ingratiate themselves with their electorate before the elections and thereby again humiliate all victims. They try to emulate SDA President Bakir Izetbegović in everything. It is clear that they are unable to endure the objections of SDA and therefore do what they do, even though they know it cannot succeed, said the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

Dodik states that acting independently shows that they seize every opportunity to harm Srpska and every chance to speak against Serbs and that they do not want to build a common future.

“Republika Srpska is pained every day, especially today, as we mark the Day of Remembrance for the murdered and suffering children of Serb Sarajevo, that the perpetrators have never been brought to justice. Someone killed 121 children, and that must never be forgotten,” Dodik announced on his X account.

The President of Srpska emphasizes that today and every day we must talk about their suffering and all the lost innocent lives.

“They shot at our children, they killed our children on this day and many other days, and now someone wants to write a new history as if it never happened and that they are the only victims. For the global public and certain Western officials, Serb victims do not exist, and no one talks about them. They impose false narratives to present Serbs as criminals who should be punished and destroyed,” Dodik states.

Our painful history, full of victims and full of pain that will never disappear, has taught us that we must fight and protect our own, so that such things never happen again.

“I will never be able to understand how someone can shoot at an innocent child and how someone can pretend that it did not happen – just because it is a Serb child. We live this reality today,” said the President of Srpska.

Dodik points out that many families left their hearths in Sarajevo because there was no life for them there.

“Only the citizens of Serb Sarajevo who found their home there know what they all survived. I respect those people, their strength, their determination to continue to live and build their lives from scratch. This Serb strength created Republika Srpska, and our unity makes us even stronger and more powerful no matter who attacks us and works against us,” said Dodik.

He added that we will never forget any victim, any crime that occurred.

“Our duty is to speak and acquaint new generations with the painful history and sufferings of our people,” concluded Dodik.

Source: RTRS
