Republika Srpska is the greatest success of the Serb people in the last 40 years, stated the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“A major part of its history votes for me to lead it. That’s because people know I am ready to endure sanctions, pressures, and threats and will never, under any circumstances, give up on the sanctuary of the Serbian national interest – our Republika Srpska,” Dodik conveyed in a post on X.

He criticized the opposition.

“Some things just never change. The sun rises in the east, the Earth orbits the Sun, losers from the opposition hate me and everything I do. And maybe miracles happen sometimes, Borac wins the Champions League, BiH wins at Eurovision, but their hatred will remain permanent,” Dodik said.

He emphasized that hating Milorad Dodik is not politics.

“It’s a reflection of frustration by the fact that I’ve been defeating you for so long. Ladies and gentlemen from the opposition, no law adopted by the SNSD weakens Republika Srpska, it strengthens it. If it weren’t so, your silence wouldn’t be so loud when Schmidt attacks us and me personally, or your shameful requests and expectations from foreigners to bring you to power when the Serbian people won’t do it at the elections,” Dodik stated.

The latest motive for outbursts of hatred and demonstration of ignorance is the adoption of the Law on Preventing Conflict of Interest in the Institutions of BiH.

“I must admit, they managed to establish a clear disproportion – the greater their hatred, the fewer votes they win. How and where these unfortunate individuals see the transfer of authority in it, God knows. For me, as a politician, it’s a good circumstance to have the opposition I have. Mutually quarrelsome and without any plan or program, except hatred towards me, it doesn’t pose any challenge in the political arena,” Dodik mentioned.

He says that many politicians who don’t think about their people and have no vision beyond their mandate would be satisfied because of this.

“Instead, I share the disappointment of a large number of Serbs in Republika Srpska because of what our opposition looks like,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
