The Director of the Center for Socio-Political Research of Republika Srpska, Dušan Pavlović, told Srna that the operation aimed at adopting a new UN resolution on Srebrenica was designed and led by structures of the “Muslim Brotherhood” /SDA/ from BiH and abroad.

According to Pavlović, it seems that the published information about the attempt of a new resolution in the UN on Srebrenica is accurate, which requires contemplation on multiple levels and understanding of who is initiating it, what it realistically aims to achieve, and its possible objectives.

He believes that this activity is undoubtedly initiated by the radical Islamist structure “Muslim Brotherhood”/”Young Muslims” in BiH, specifically SDA.

Pavlović reminded that the main founders and leaders of SDA were members of this pan-Islamist structure since before and during World War II. Although this structure does not have its members, positions, and collaborators solely in SDA, Pavlović pointed out that SDA, along with a part of the Islamic Community in BiH, forms the core of the “Muslim Brotherhood” in BiH and the region.

“It is no coincidence that the longest street in the Muslim part of Sarajevo is named Young Muslims /Muslim Brotherhood/. Interestingly, the street is located just a few hundred meters from the OHR headquarters, and no High Representative has ever attempted to change the name associated with an organization that is essentially the ideological root of all modern Islamist terrorist organizations globally,” Pavlović stated.


The goal of this pan-Islamist radical structure in BiH, he emphasized, is to create an Islamist state and thereby establish Sharia.

“This is just one step towards establishing Sharia in Europe. In this project, white European Muslims in a potentially Muslim European state of BiH greatly reduce the time needed to establish Islam as a legitimate element of European cultural identity. Therefore, for radical Islam, sacrificing its members, especially those of traditional /non-radicalized/ Islam, is often beneficial in the context of gaining an image and the role of a victim, while simultaneously radicalizing especially the younger generations from the traditional /non-radical/ model of Islam.

The instrumentalization of these unfortunate victims, as well as the victims of crimes against captured members of the active and reserve composition of the Muslim 28th Division, the army under the control of this pan-Islamist structure, is known to the public,” said Pavlović.

Pavlović pointed out that understanding the strategic goals and tactical actions for achieving these goals, i.e., the modus operandi of the “Muslim Brotherhood” in the phase of civilization jihad /action through politics and culture until they become a majority in a particular society/, can more easily understand why there is a global insistence on the alleged genocide of Muslims in Europe.

Although the “Muslim Brotherhood” practices different methods of action and organization in each particular country worldwide, when it comes to Europe, the “genocide” of Muslims in Europe is necessary for them as victims to more easily conquer the socio-political space in the countries they operate in along with other Islamist structures.

“It is implied that according to this matrix and narrative, besides the UN, all European countries are guilty because they allowed `evil Serbs` to commit `genocide` against Muslims. Of course, as these structures further weave their network, European countries would never allow such a crime if the victims were not Muslims,” Pavlović mentioned.


That this operation was designed and led by the structures of the “Muslim Brotherhood” /SDA/ from BiH and abroad, he says, is indicated by several facts.

“Zlatko Lagumdžija, as the president of SDP, was with Alija Izetbegović in his wartime Presidency throughout the war and represented the same political goals and narrative about the causes and nature of the civil war in BiH. The systematic denial of mass crimes and ethnic cleansing against Serbs in the Muslim part of Sarajevo is still a political matrix not only of SDA but also of Lagumdžija’s successors,” Pavlović stated.

Another name, he added, that could be part of the operation, which has a significant influence on the Muslim/Bosniak diaspora in Europe and the USA, especially those from Podrinje, is the director of the Potočari Memorial Center, Emir Suljagić.

“The public is more than familiar with the actions of the former translator in the Dutch contingent of UNPROFOR in the Srebrenica enclave during the war, who claims to have personally compiled reports of this UN military formation that were further sent to the UN headquarters in New York via Sarajevo and Zagreb. According to the documents of

Muslim intelligence structures, his collaborative code name was `krestalica`. It is clear that the Potočari Memorial Center is under the control of the “Muslim Brotherhood” structures in BiH, i.e., SDA. Thus, it is clearer where Suljagić could potentially be in this operation,” emphasized Pavlović.


When further trying to understand the goal of this pan-Islamist structure’s operation, Pavlović highlighted that the current international context, i.e., the balance of power in the Security Council, must be considered. The position of Republika Srpska and Serbs as a people is somewhat stronger than in 2015 when Russia, through the raising of Ambassador Churkin’s hand, vetoed the resolution that attempted to declare the entire Serbian people genocidal.

“Of course, this operation of putting the noose of genocidality around our children’s necks will not be forgotten,” Pavlović messaged.

If it is more than certain that the new operation of attempting to adopt a resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica in the UN Security Council has almost no chance of succeeding, why have these structures initiated it?

“The answer may lie in the strategic goal and doctrine of the pan-Islamist structures in BiH, i.e., SDA. Namely, strengthening democratic processes through cooperation among elected representatives of all three constituent peoples in BiH and its progress is in direct opposition to the agenda of creating an Islamic /unitary/ state of BiH. It is known that these structures, by constantly causing crises in the country, weakening strong democratic institutions and the rule of law, are long-term undermining democratic societies for the establishment of Sharia law. This can be quite well seen through the phenomenon of the so-called `Arab Spring`,” Pavlović stated.

He reminded that SDA structures have blocked any agreement and joint action of elected political representatives of the three constituent peoples in BiH for all these years, according to the Constitution of BiH, i.e., the Dayton Peace Agreement.

“It is significant that the elected representatives of Serbs and Croats, despite the difficult and painful common history, managed to find a common platform for concrete steps towards exiting the war psychology and reality. At the same time, this has not been possible with SDA, read `Muslim Brotherhood` in BiH, all these years,” Pavlović emphasized.

Now that some processes have been unlocked at the level of BiH, thanks also to the fact that the so-called “troika” is now on the political scene instead of SDA, SDA is losing mechanisms of blockade, weakening democratic processes, and creating a de facto Islamic state on the ground in BiH, Pavlović believes.


Pavlović highlighted that several questions and possible scenarios open up here, and just some of them are:

First, he says, if the process of adopting a resolution on Srebrenica before the UN Security Council in July is initiated, it will imply a significant political, media, and lobbying campaign in BiH and abroad by radical pan-Islamist structures “Muslim Brotherhood” /SDA/, and their decades-long ideological, political, and business partners.

Second, internationally, this can have different implications, including the elections in the USA. Of course, most Muslims in the USA will vote for the Democrats, i.e., Joseph Biden, and the attitude towards this resolution can have certain consequences for the election results. The situation with the Israel-Palestine conflict only adds importance to this issue.

Third, for the Serb people, perhaps the most important effects of this operation are on the domestic front, i.e., in BiH.

“If the procedure for adopting a resolution in Srebrenica in the UN Security Council is initiated, it is clear that Republika Srpska, its elected representatives, and institutions will be clearly and publicly against its adoption. This will further heat the already tense political situation in BiH, which has been somewhat calming down in recent months. Of course, the political `troika` from the FBiH will have to support this resolution because they will already be under immense media and political pressure for cooperating with Republika Srpska. Of course, from the `troika`, there will be constant insistence on an explicit political stance regarding the Republika Srpska and its representatives on the imposed topic of Srebrenica. There is a possibility that the `entirely coincidental` collateral damage of this operation `resolution on Srebrenica` be the political `troika` from the Muslim part of Sarajevo, and the political benefit is only for the pan-Islamist structure `Muslim Brotherhood` in BiH, i.e., SDA, as in July 1995,” Pavlović stated.

Although at first glance, it seems that the constitutive element of the Bosniak nation’s identity, which is also a project of the pan-Islamist structure “Muslim Brotherhood” in BiH, i.e., SDA, is not something that would be misused in this way, he said that many previous examples of the instrumentalization of its population and other “fundamental values” convince otherwise.

Pavlović concluded in his statement to Srna that the upcoming events would help better understand whether this is the latest attempt to take control over the processes of establishing an Islamic /unitary/ BiH through the instrumentalization of something they present as the holiest part of their identity.

Source: CDPIRS and SRNA
