The West labels all disobedient sovereignists and fighters against imperial neocolonialism, who enjoy great popularity and convincingly win multiple elections in a row, with the stigma of “dictators,” said Professor Nenad Kecmanovic.

According to him, those who doubt that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik, and Russian President Vladimir Putin are truly dictators “only need to consult the annual reports of authorized measurers of democracy” such as “Random House,” which lives off American donations.

“The one who pays chooses the music. Serbia is a semi-demokracy, and self-declared Kosovo* is the leader of demokracy in the region! and the entire collective West acknowledges and acts accordingly. Vučić stirred something up about the election triumph, Dodik’s another victory was recounted for months and he is being prosecuted for disrespecting the false high representative, while Putin has even been brought to trial for war crimes. According to the saint and the service book,” said Kecmanovic for “Politika.”

He pointed out that US President Joseph Biden and accompanying European voices from the collective West called Putin a dictator when polls determined that he enjoys the support of over 70 percent of voters and will remain the President of Russia for at least another decade.

“Biden also called Xi Jinping a dictator because he was unanimously elected at the Congress of the Communist Party of China CPC. This group also includes President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, potentially Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Serbia President Aleksandar Vučić , and especially Dodik,” said Kecmanovic.

He emphasized that some of them change constitutional limits by referendum, some change leading positions in the party, government, and state, but retain leadership authority “based on results and according to the will of the people.”

“They never say that Russians, Hungarians, Turks, Serbs, who repeatedly elect them, are to blame. No, the people are good, and negative qualifications always relate to the national leader personally,” Kecmanovic explained.

According to his opinion, the personal address is correct, but the qualification is inappropriate.

“Rigged elections? All these countries are no longer Bolshevik, and the elections are the same as in the West, even with international monitors,” said Kecmanovic.

He highlighted that Russian President Putin has been elected multiple times in democratic and fair elections, and by Western standards for non-Western countries, being elected twice in a row is a minimum condition for stable democracy.

“But, they have revived the Cold War scheme: ‘Ours are democrats, yours are dictators,'” said Kecmanovic.

Source: RTRS
