Željka Cvijanović, the Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency, believes that the trial of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, in the Court of BiH is absurd and hypocritical, and that his verdict has already been written.

Cvijanović stated that those working on this are under serious pressure, that everything is happening at an abnormal speed, which is alarming.

“It is evident that a narrative has been constructed that they want to follow, believing that Republika Srpska will be brought to its knees because of it, and that the next president who comes will die of fear whether they dare to sign any decree,” said Cvijanović in the podcast “The Border Exists.”

Cvijanović emphasized that the entire legislative process is being called into question because the President of the Republic, with his powers and following what is a constitutional obligation, essentially concludes the legislative process that the National Assembly has conducted.

That is, as she noted, an attack on both the National Assembly and the Government, which is most often the proposer of laws. “You want everything to be arranged like dominoes and for the pieces to fall, and then someone comes and says that this is a showdown with Milorad Dodik and has nothing to do with Republika Srpska. Only the naive think that,” stressed Cvijanović, pointing out the effort to sue Srpska.

Cvijanović believes that people recognize that this is a political showdown where someone who speaks the truth is wanted to be punished, limited in their ability to work, speak, and act in accordance with the Constitution.

“Definitely, we know that this is a political process. When you come to the courtroom and listen to someone charging you for disrespecting the decisions of the high representative, you have a sea of open questions. Who is the high representative? Do we have a person who definitively is the high representative?” asked Cvijanović.

Cvijanović reminded that this person was not verified by a United Nations Security Council resolution, that Christian Schmidt does not have the right to change laws, to impose, to suspend the entity constitution.

She pointed out that for the past 28 years, high representatives have changed the system, imposed decisions, and people have lost their jobs, documents, and that international law said they had no right to do that.

They have targeted Dodik because he gave strength to the function of the President of Republika Srpska, but that, she says, is an attack on the institutions of Republika Srpska.

She highlighted how gatherings on the inter-entity boundary due to this trial attracted the attention of foreigners who reacted many times, but she noted that the Dayton Agreement said those lines exist.

“What pleases me is that Republika Srpska, despite all challenges, is a stable community,” said Cvijanović, particularly proud of the people’s unity.

According to her, foreigners are creating additional instability in BiH because it suits them, as it suits some for this country to be unitary.

Asked how it is possible that there are people in BiH, even Serbs from Republika Srpska, who accept to play by the rules imposed by Christian Schmidt, Cvijanović said it is wrong, counterproductive.

“All this happening is in function of creating additional instability within BiH, and some people, foreigners, are deliberately doing it because it suits them. Some want this country to be unitary,” said Cvijanović, adding she does not understand people who can accept that.

She believes it is a losing political position to accept being a colony, not having your institutions, credibility.

“From a citizen’s perspective living here, I must say it sounds even more problematic that someone could accept that because it then means you accept a subservient mentality,” said Cvijanović.

According to her, Republika Srpska has both humanity and political dignity, distinguishing it from political Sarajevo.

Source: RTRS
