The President of the National Assembly, Nenad Stevandić, stated that the verdict against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, was predetermined, as evidenced by the indictment itself, and now the pieces are just falling into place.

Stevandić said that Srpska would not accept such a verdict, suggesting that this process should be concluded.

“The fact that we attend the trial should not make anyone happy or think that we do not have other mechanisms. The National Assembly of Republika Srpska is capable of responding to any court decision and protecting the integrity of Srpska’s institutions. No one should think they have carte blanche to do whatever they want,” Stevandić stated at a press conference in East Sarajevo.

He emphasized that the goal of the process against Dodik is to destroy the institutions of Republika Srpska and that Srpska will never agree to that.

Source: RTRS
