“The process conducted before the Court of BiH against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, is unique in the world because it attempts to resolve all unresolved political issues through a criminal procedure,” stated the lawyer for the President of Srpska, Anto Nobilo.

Nobilo questioned how the West intends to achieve democracy in BiH through autocratic methods.

“Everything that cannot be resolved politically is attempted to be resolved through a criminal procedure against Dodik. This makes this process different from any other. This should not be done,” emphasized Nobilo after the hearing at the BiH Prosecutor’s Office.

Nobilo added that BiH is moving towards the EU, which demands parliamentary democracy and the rule of law, yet in the country, there exists an individual “who has powers greater than anyone in Europe.”

He highlighted that the key problems BiH faces in its functioning are being attempted to be resolved through a criminal procedure, namely whether BiH will be more or less centralized, and whether there will be a revision of the Dayton Peace Agreement without the participation of parliaments.

Source: RTRS
