The European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling for the imposition of “targeted sanctions” against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and officials from Republika Srpska and Serbia who, as stated, “provide material support to secessionist policies.” The same resolution welcomes the opening of accession negotiations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union.

International relations expert and former diplomat Luciano Kaluga highlighted that this resolution is repeated year after year.

“The European Parliament acts like a student who takes a remedial exam every year. And year after year, it adopts resolutions that have no legal effect,” Kaluga stated.

He pointed out that this shows two aspects.

“Such engagement of European parliamentarians working on such resolutions shows that they are ignorant of the situation in BiH. They do not wish to understand our region as partners,” Kaluga noted.

He emphasized that, on the other hand, there is obviously a process and someone’s interest in Europe and beyond to slow down BiH’s European path.

“This is the EU’s hypocritical approach towards BiH. It also shows that BiH is not independent and cannot make decisions on its own,” Kaluga highlighted.

He also commented on the diplomatic activities of Republika Srpska’s President, Milorad Dodik.

“The institutions of Republika Srpska are doing an excellent job on the diplomatic front. The voice of Republika Srpska is heard in the world,” Kaluga mentioned.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska is not isolated.

Source: RTRS
