The procedure against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a process at the heart of which lies an attack on the constitutional order and the integrity of Srpska, no matter how hard its creators and executors try to present it differently, stated Rajko Dodik, a member of the Main Board of the SNSD.

Dodik expressed his conviction that this Wednesday, when the continuation of the trial of the President of Srpska is scheduled, it will be a continuation of the bazaar judicial spectacle orchestrated by the West, where even those who received the script and description of their role are no longer sure what to do to endlessly drag out a meaningless and legally baseless procedure.

He stated that the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the acting director of the “Official Gazette,” Milos Lukic, were merely performing their duties in accordance with the Constitution and the law of Republika Srpska, yet someone decided that they should be held accountable, even though it is customary to be accountable when acting contrary to this.

“Customary and normal, but Bosnia and Herzegovina is obviously a country of absurdity where people are willing to trample on their profession and its norms to conduct proceedings according to the wishes of some foreign officials and self-proclaimed high representatives,” said Dodik to Srna.

He emphasized that he expects nothing good from this process, as everyone in Republika Srpska has already gotten used to nothing good for Srpska and its citizens coming from Sarajevo.

“I expect that this Wednesday in the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, they will devise a new way to try to humiliate Republika Srpska and its citizens, unaware that all these procedural errors and similar only degrade their reputation, although it is questionable how much of it they have at all,” said Dodik.

He added that he expects provocations from the Sarajevo public and various agitators but is confident that both the President of Srpska and all those who come to support him will once again show that they are above that and will not allow any incidents of any kind.

The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has raised an indictment against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the acting director of the “Official Gazette,” Milos Lukic, for disregarding the decisions of Christian Schmidt.

Source: RTRS
