The European path of BiH, based on agreements among domestic leaders without imposed solutions, the constitutional position of Republika Srpska, and economic projects were the topics discussed by Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska, and Željka Cvijanović, the Serb member of the BiH Presidency, with many participants of the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya.

Dodik and Cvijanović evaluate the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya as very successful. During the forum, they spoke with numerous statesmen, all with the aim of understanding the position of Republika Srpska and strengthening the economy through projects. Of particular significance, they say, is the credit arrangement from Turkey for the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway. Equally important is the construction of the HE Mrsovo near Rudo, built by a company from Turkey, worth 100 million euros, which will be entirely owned by Republika Srpska.

Summarizing the discussions in Turkey, Dodik and Cvijanović emphasize the importance of support from numerous officials for Republika Srpska’s stance on the necessity of agreements among domestic actors in BiH, without foreign interference and imposed solutions.

After today’s separate meetings with the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia, Juraj Blanar, and the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, it was conveyed that dialogue is the only path to prosperity and long-term stability that is in the interest of all peoples.

Do the EU accession negotiations serve a purpose without a start date? They do not – is the response from the President of Republika Srpska. This stance was clearly communicated to the Slovak Foreign Minister, emphasizing the importance of setting a date by the end of March. Dodik highlighted that BiH will not progress on the European path if foreign judges and Christian Schmidt remain in the country.

“The situation where foreign judges in the Constitutional Court, together with two Muslims, always make decisions against Republika Srpska is unbearable. I said that if the illegal Schmidt makes any decision about the elections, we will pass our law and conduct our elections. I said that if he makes any decision regarding property, we will make a decision on independence,” said Dodik.

The necessity of fully respecting the constitutional position and competencies of all levels of government in BiH was pointed out to the head of Slovak diplomacy by the Serb member of the BiH Presidency.

“We pointed out the fact that the European path is incompatible with any dictator who treats BiH as a colony and thinks they can change laws and the Constitution. We want to establish a credible line between BiH and the European Union and to discuss as credible partners,” said Cvijanović.

Such was also the meeting with the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Turkey is interested in developing economic cooperation. The importance of internal agreement without imposed solutions was emphasized.

“What is important is Turkey’s concern for internal relations, encouraging us to create solutions ourselves. The President of Turkey promotes an equal relationship towards everyone living in BiH. We appreciate that,” said Cvijanović.

Internal agreement, without imposed solutions, the departure of foreigners, adherence to the Dayton Peace Agreement, were put in the foreground by Dodik, reflecting on meetings with the Turkish President and the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov. Dodik discussed the economy with Erdoğan, presenting specific proposals for a credit arrangement for the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway.

“We discussed a deadlock because the Federation of BiH cannot determine the route for the highway. I think we can discuss that the federal side supports part of the arrangement with Republika Srpska, and when they are ready, we will support,” said Dodik.

The statement by Konaković shows that all blockades to development projects, including those negotiated with Turkey, come exclusively from Bosniak politicians from Sarajevo, concludes Dodik.

Source: RTRS
