Staša Košarac, the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, stated that the responsible policy of Republika Srpska and President Milorad Dodik is focused on securing more interconnections to make gas available to a larger number of citizens and economic entities. He emphasized the insistence on adopting the Eastern Interconnection, highlighting it as a project that will result in increased security of natural gas supply for consumers, cheaper energy resources, and long-term energy stability in both Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH (FBiH), where a quarter of the Eastern Interconnection’s capacity could be directed.

“More interconnections mean a larger quantity of gas and cheaper energy resources, creating conditions for the implementation of investment and development policies for the benefit of citizens and the economy. Unfortunately, the mental blockades of the two Bosniak members of the Presidency, their prejudices, and their constant efforts against Republika Srpska, are the reason for halting the Eastern Interconnection. This is counterproductive, as Komšić and Bećirović harm the development of the FBiH and deprive its population and economy of cheaper gas,” Košarac stated on his Instagram account.

It’s regrettable, Košarac notes, that these Bosniak structures are motivated solely by what the West will say, instead of focusing on the needs of their own population and economic development.

“Republika Srpska has never sabotaged development projects of the FBiH, nor has it been or will be a hostage to Western countries. We will continue to insist on the adoption of the Eastern Interconnection but will also explore possibilities to increase the capacities of the existing gas pipeline coming through Serbia from Russia, all with the aim of ensuring energy stability and the development of investment projects,” Košarac concluded.

Source: RTRS
