The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, stated that the adoption of the Constitution of Republika Srpska on February 28, 1992, was one of the key moments in the history of the Serb people in this area.

Višković emphasized that it was then that the political framework and foundation for the democratic organization of society were established, clearly expressing the Serb people’s desire for freedom, but also guaranteeing full equality and equality of the peoples and citizens of Republika Srpska.

He pointed out that the determination and vision of the leadership at the time were of essential importance in responding to the challenges of that era, laying the foundations of Republika Srpska as a society that respects the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

“For us, February 28 holds exceptional historical importance – the day when, at the dawn of a tragic war conflict that the Serbs neither wanted nor initiated, our right to independently decide our own fate was established. That day, which would later prove to be fateful, February 28, we sensed that in just a few days, an illegitimate referendum on March 1 would cross out the will of an entire nation, leading the country into a tragic conflict and suffering of unimaginable proportions,” highlighted Višković.

He emphasized that the creators of Republika Srpska and the authors of the Constitution recognized the importance of opposing unitarist forces that caused the conflict, and today, 32 years later, the same forces are trying to realize their ideals, not realizing that they are harming themselves.

“In the context of the current political moment, we are fighting against outvoting in the Constitutional Court and preserving the hard-earned rights of Republika Srpska. We do all this while respecting the Dayton Peace Agreement, which is key to maintaining equality and competencies,” stressed the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska.

He highlighted that the verification of Republika Srpska by the Dayton Agreement further confirms its legitimacy.

“Our priority is to return to the original Dayton Agreement, and the Government of Republika Srpska consistently works on strengthening the constitutional and political system, firmly adhering to every letter of Dayton,” the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska stated.

The Assembly of the Serb People in BiH adopted the Constitution on February 28, 1992, which was unanimously adopted on the foundations of the Declaration of Establishment and guaranteed full equality and equality of the peoples and citizens of the Republic.

The highest legal act of Republika Srpska, which is still in force today with certain amendments, was adopted before the outbreak of tragic conflicts and the unilateral Bosniak and Croatian declaration of independence of BiH after a referendum held on March 1, in which Serbs did not participate.

Source: RTRS
