The Russian Embassy in BiH has stated that a series of anti-Russian statements by political representatives from Sarajevo, on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, demonstrate a complete misunderstanding of the goals and objectives of this operation against the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv.

“First and foremost, representatives of political Sarajevo demonstrate a complete misunderstanding of the goals and objectives of the SVO (Special Military Operation), about which President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and other Russian representatives have spoken repeatedly, referring to indisputable facts about the neo-Nazi nature of the regime in Kyiv,” the statement said.

However, the Embassy added, it raises a logical question – do the statements of certain politicians in BiH reflect the true opinion of the people in the country?

The statement cites data from a recent survey conducted by the Center for Security Studies, according to which only 39 percent of respondents wish for BiH to support Ukraine, while 38 percent believe neutrality is necessary, and 14 percent support Russia.

In other words, more than half of the respondents are for Russia, taking into account the fact that 55 percent identified as Bosniaks, 10 percent as Serbs, nine percent as Croats, and 12 percent as others, highlighted by this diplomatic representation.

Russia is mentioned among the countries considered to be the most friendly towards BiH.

“It turns out that the anti-Russian position of repulsive political figures is, in fact, anti-people. We treat it exactly as such – as a biased personal opinion, pompously expressed to please Western mentors,” concluded the Russian Embassy.

Source: RTRS
