The Minister of Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education of Republika Srpska, Željko Budimir, stated that Republika Srpska is an indispensable subject of international law, thanks to President Milorad Dodik and the support of the Russian Federation.

Speaking to RTRS, Budimir mentioned that the Serb and Russian people are bound by historical ties and that the Russian Federation and Republika Srpska are partners.

He highlighted that Russia and Republika Srpska have the best cooperation to date, which, he says, will only strengthen in the future, thanks to the personal relationships between President Dodik and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Russia’s support means a lot, especially in the future, in the context of the creation of new multipolar relations,” said Budimir.

He emphasized the importance of Republika Srpska’s support for Russia during difficult times, asserting that it confirms Republika Srpska is on the right side of history, where, he says, Russia is fighting for a better world.

He added that this is why the President of Republika Srpska was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, which was presented to him by Putin.

Budimir stressed that Russia does not abandon its friends and that Dodik’s visit had historical significance.

Source: RTRS
