The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, has stated that Republika Srpska will not support the EU accession process at the cost of losing the identity of the Serb people and traditional friends.

“Our position is that we do not lose our identity during the possible process of joining the EU. Therefore, we are not blocking anything, we are taking care of our interests, exactly as Brussels does,” Dodik told “Izvestia.”

Asked whether BiH could become an EU member in the foreseeable future, Dodik responded that it depends not on BiH but primarily on bureaucrats in Brussels.

“If they are now offering the status of a negotiator to Ukraine, which is practically in a military conflict, anything can be expected from them. In this way, everything is reduced to the geostrategic conditions of the West, and BiH is simply their training ground,” said Dodik.

He added that BiH has mostly adapted its legislation to the EU criteria and reached a level that Ukraine could not achieve in two years if it can ever achieve it at all.

Dodik pointed out that there was much more optimism in BiH regarding the EU ten years ago, but the problem always arises when ideology, which leads to delusion, is involved in this issue.

“The conditions of Brussels presuppose the loss of citizens’ identity. They always lead to forming a universal type of personality,” Dodik stated, adding that Serbs do not want to lose their identity.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska is not interested in the unitarization and centralization of BiH, but only in a BiH that will adhere to its Constitution.

“We absolutely do not understand the processes in the EU aimed at eliminating our existence,” said the President of Republika Srpska, pointing out that Belgium is an example that has not sacrificed its autonomy to join the EU.

Responding to whether Republika Srpska fears that it will be more difficult to build relations with Russia if BiH joins the EU, Dodik stated that Republika Srpska will not support the EU accession process if it involves losing its traditional friends.

“They impose their values on us. We will not support the EU accession process if it involves losing our traditional friends. After all, no one even knows what the EU will look like,” Dodik emphasized.

Dodik assessed that the EU is only hastening its own destruction, that there is currently not a single real leader and politician in Europe, and it is clear to everyone that Europe, by following the interests of the USA, has lost its significance.

“The issue of internal instability is becoming more visible, and it is becoming obvious that much needs to be changed in contemporary Europe. Moreover, I do not believe that many agree to be those who fulfill someone else’s decisions. That’s why I am convinced that the EU, in its current form, is unsustainable,” added Dodik.

Speaking about the possible referendum on the independence of Republika Srpska, Dodik said that Republika Srpska is waiting for some great powers to say that it has the right to self-determination. “We have never given up on the need to strengthen our Republika Srpska,” Dodik added.

Pointing out that BiH will fall apart, Dodik indicated that it is a colony of some Western countries, and Republika Srpska’s fight for its status is anti-colonial.

“Therefore, we will not miss the opportunity to protect our status by peaceful means. For example, if Donald Trump wins the elections in the USA, certain conditions may arise for that. It could still happen. It is a mistake to say that it will never happen,” added Dodik.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska remains within its territories and is guided by the interests of its people.

“We are one people with the people of Serbia and perceive Serbia as our homeland. We will unconditionally preserve the subjectivity of Republika Srpska,” Dodik stressed.

Stating that the Germans had the right to unite East and West Germany, Dodik said it is possible that the Serb people will have that right too.

Source: RTRS
