An audio recording was published on social networks in which the author calls Bosniaks to be cautious because he received “confirmed information” that Serbs in Srebrenik are arming themselves with the intention of “launching an attack” and provoking armed conflicts, but investigative bodies have determined that it is completely unfounded and fabricated with the obvious goal of causing chaos and interethnic conflicts in BiH, reports ATV.

The recording was shared on the TikTok account “Ado_Krajišnik @_admir_ervina” and quickly went viral, causing unrest among citizens.

Behind the recording are several radicalized individuals who have been identified and recently detained and questioned at SIPA, with the BiH Prosecutor’s Office being informed and its reaction expected. The author of the recording has been identified as D.B. /34/ from Tuzla, states this television station.

In the audio message, the author says that he got “confirmed information” from his friend J.K. that his Serb friend from Srebrenik showed him rifles and ammunition and said that the Serb population from Republika Srpska was sent and distributed boxes of weapons, and they are “being forced to launch an attack” and he expects armed conflicts to occur. He states that all Serbs had to take weapons, and those who did not have already left the country and moved abroad to avoid incidents.

The ongoing investigation has shown that J.K. is a real person, residing in Brčko. Neither of them has previously been recorded by the police as individuals prone to committing criminal acts, writes ATV.

This audio message on TikTok was shared by A.V. /30/ from Sanski Most. His profile is full of photos with war iconography. He posed in camouflage uniform with weapons in hand, sharing clips from “Hasin vrh,” with the lyrics “If I die, do not mourn me.”

Although all have been identified and questioned, the recording is still present on TikTok and has not been deleted. So far, it has reached more than 180,000 views, states ATV.

The spreading of fear of armed Serbs also involved certain media outlets from the FBiH, as well as Berko Zečević, a professor at the Department of Defense Technologies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Sarajevo, who told Slobodna Bosna that the man in the audio recording sounds scared, and it all reminds him of the situation from 1991.

Zečević believes that the formation of the Gendarmerie in Republika Srpska was the first indicator that President Milorad Dodik “plans in the long term to create a paramilitary formation, between police and military formations, that operates in the territory of Republika Srpska and can be deployed to the entity border.”

He assessed that it is only a matter of time before Dodik gets a “signal” from strategic partners to create a confederation in BiH. However, Zečević concludes that “there will be no war,” but there will be “incidents” and fools.

Recently, Islamic theologian Midhat Ćeman openly called for war in BiH during a lecture, which was published on YouTube, after which there were no reactions from investigative bodies, nor did the Islamic or international community or Sarajevo politics distance themselves from Ćeman’s statements.

Source: RTRS
