“We refuse to join the Western sanctions against Russia and will not enter NATO,” stressed the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Kazan.

“We affirm the good relations that Republika Srpska has and maintains with the Russian state and with you. What we are doing in the current circumstances, we refuse any possibility of joining the Western sanctions against Russia,” Dodik said.

He emphasized that the West seeks to effect this every day.

“Especially, we unequivocally refuse to join NATO membership,” Dodik was clear.

He highlighted that the Serbs were bombed twice, Republika Srpska once, Serbia the second time.

“And you know, I can testify that today we have a huge number of young people, just newborn children who suffer from the consequences of depleted uranium, with radiation levels increased tenfold in those regions, as well as malignant diseases caused by that bombing,” Dodik stated.

He pointed out that it is neither logical nor normal for Republika Srpska to accept NATO membership.

“When the West came, they immediately privatized commercial banks and now choose whether they want to work with us, doing so for purely political reasons,” Dodik mentioned.

He stressed that Republika Srpska is stable politically and institutionally.

“Therefore, we maintain stability. We have no particular challenges, but there is a noticeable constant undermining by the opposition and alternative groups against the stability of Republika Srpska,” Dodik said.

Dodik stated that Republika Srpska has excellent relations with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán.

“This particularly eases our situation regarding Europe. However, the entire leadership of Republika Srpska, the Prime Minister, the President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, the Serb member of the BiH Presidency, and I, have all been sanctioned by the US and the UK. Thanks to our friends in the EU, Europe did not impose the same sanctions on us,” Dodik added.

He mentioned that Republika Srpska will become stronger.

“But, as our people say, what does not destroy you, makes you stronger. So, we believe that we will emerge even stronger with the help of our friends,” Dodik noted.

He highlighted that Republika Srpska operates under complex circumstances in BiH.

“We are pleased that you notice this, as you recently observed in a speech that you understand the relations in BiH. They are by no means simple and are complex. Further complicated because we are still under international protectorate, as we are in layers of Western intervention,” Dodik emphasized.

He mentioned the abuse of the Dayton Agreement, which is most pronounced by one foreigner who is not legal.

“He has not been confirmed by the UN Security Council, yet presents himself as the High Representative. I thank you for paying attention to this issue, because if they had the authority, they would surely abolish Republika Srpska,” Dodik said.

Source: RTRS
