President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, met today in Minsk with the Prime Minister of Belarus, Roman Golovchenko.

“In these difficult times, we have excellent cooperation. You have come to Belarus at the head of a very representative delegation, which speaks of your great interest in cooperation with us. We remember very well your previous visit to the Republic of Belarus, which became a very good incentive for the development of cooperation,” Golovchenko said during the meeting.

He added that this visit represents a new stimulus for the development of relations.

“We are well aware of the attention you pay to the development of your Republic’s economy. We can state that you are achieving very good results in the economic development of your Republic despite all the cataclysms happening on the European continent,” Golovchenko said.

He emphasized that Belarus is ready to help the development of Srpska.

“We would be glad if we could supply our passenger vehicles to Republika Srpska,” Golovchenko said.

He mentioned that Belarus knows that BiH, thanks to Srpska, did not impose sanctions on Belarus.

“We know this and appreciate it,” Golovchenko said.

Dodik previously met with the Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, with whom he discussed the continuation of cooperation in all areas.

Dodik will also meet with the president of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences.

Source: Atv
