Anyone under the illusion that Republika Srpska will give its significant mineral wealth under concession and without adhering to environmental standards is mistaken, asserts President Milorad Dodik.
The intent, he says, is for us to be partners in this venture, which would signify economic development, and to process the ore where it is found.
He believes that certain pseudo-environmentalists and oppositionists, unnecessarily scaring citizens, are knowingly and unknowingly fulfilling the desires of foreigners in BiH – to take away Republika Srpska’s property.

And the profession in Republika Srpska assures that the fear of citizens due to the exploitation and processing of ore is not justified.
Republika Srpska possesses significant mineral wealth. Research has shown that in the area of the Lopare municipality, besides lithium and boron, there are deposits of about 94 million tons of magnesium.
This is a great developmental opportunity not only for the local community but also for the entire state.
The intention of Republika Srpska in any potential exploitation is to be a partner, not to give concessions, emphasizes President Milorad Dodik.
- Our minimum participation will be 40 – 49 percent. A factory for processing this magnesium ore will be built at the location where it is found, employing our people, and operating according to environmental standards – Dodik stated.
The opposition in Republika Srpska and the local government of Lopare either has not heard or does not want to hear these conditions.
They call for signing petitions against potential exploitation, forgetting that a few years ago, they themselves were seeking partners for this endeavor.
Is it concern for ecology or gathering cheap political points before local elections?
- So far, we do not see these arguments and only see a frightened and agitated population – claims Igor Crnadak, PDP.
- The local community warmly welcomed our company when we started with the explorations, actively participating by giving certain permits – emphasized Vladimir Rudic, Arkor company.
Political pseudo-environmentalists unnecessarily scare citizens, claims the profession. The process of exploiting ore found in Majevica with the demands that Republika Srpska would ask from a future partner is not dangerous and does not endanger the environment.
- As a mining engineer who has been in this profession for 35 years, I say that lithium is not dangerous. That we can extract lithium in a very healthy and safe way. And the lifeline of this country’s development is indeed mining as number one. Mining has always developed the country – stressed Stjepan Mitrovic, mining engineer.
Why have certain individuals raised an uproar about this now? For President Dodik, the reason is not political points but much more dangerous intentions.
He claims that the collective West, aware of the mineral wealth here, is trying to lay hands on Republika Srpska’s property and register it to BiH.
- That’s why the international factor decided to centralize the property because it’s easier to get permits there than from us. The fake Schmidt is organizing meetings to make a transfer of property jurisdiction to BiH. I think those who organized yesterday did so at the suggestion of those in Sarajevo who control them – Dodik emphasized.
Only then would the exploitation of ore be without Republika Srpska’s control and to its detriment and the detriment of its citizens, warns Dodik.
The company that conducted research on mineral wealth in Majevica received the solution six years ago, and intensive research started in 2020.
Back then, no one raised their voice against it.
Source: RTRS