The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska is the guarantor of the security of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, whom it protects in full constitutional and legal capacity, stated today the Minister of Internal Affairs, Siniša Karan.

Karan emphasized that attacks on the constitutional order of Republika Srpska have been ongoing for 30 years, and that it has been exposed to pressures manifested in various ways, including the political process against the President of the Republic.

That attack through this process is the culmination of attacks on the entire Republic and its constitutional institutions, pillars, and the key pillar is precisely the President of Republika Srpska – said Karan, commenting on Dodik’s statement about receiving open threats in the Federation of BiH.

Karan added that the Ministry of Internal Affairs, precisely because of the threats that have been made earlier, has raised the security of the President of the Republic to the highest level.

According to him, there are special departments that deal with this issue from an operational and physical aspect at his place of residence and movement.

Last year, we had at least six to seven serious threats to the security of the President of the Republic, and all of them were eliminated – Karan stated.

Karan explained that the security situation of the President of the Republic is assessed daily and emphasized that at this moment, it can be said that serious threats are indeed coming from that direction, from the Federation of BiH.

Karan said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska takes any threat directed at the President of Republika Srpska very seriously.

Source: RTRS
