Dean of the Banja Luka Faculty of Security and Protection, Slobodan Župljanin, has stated that the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, is currently the most security-threatened individual in Europe.

Speaking to RTRS, Župljanin emphasized that security measures for the President of Srpska must be raised to the highest possible level.

He highlighted that an atmosphere of lynching has been created, suggesting that under such conditions, Dodik should not attend the trial in Sarajevo.

Župljanin noted that an atmosphere has been cultivated in which Dodik is viewed within the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) as a threat to the country’s survival, a notion he vehemently disputes. According to him, Dodik advocates for the survival of Bosnia and Herzegovina through calls for dialogue and the search for a common solution.

He stressed that for 30 years, messages from Sarajevo have been telling Serbs they are unwelcome, with threats and desires for the disappearance of the Serb people being conveyed.

Source: RTRS
