The acting director of the Official Gazette of the Republiка Srpska, Miloš Lukić, is a good man, a great patriot, an excellent manager who responsibly fulfills all his duties, and the Republiка Srpska is grateful for his dedication. Today, he is forced to come to Sarajevo because of some illegal alien and face a political trial by a person with a dubious war past, emphasized the President of Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

Dodik said that the goal of the rigged trial remains the same, although the cases against him and Lukić have been separated.

“They want to intimidate the entire Serb people, bring the process to an end, and force everyone to accept the story of a Bosnia and Herzegovina where Srpska has no say, and its fate depends on the will of some fake High Representative,” Dodik mentioned on social media X.

He further states that the whole story gains significance with Lukić because they want to send a message that anyone who defends the national interest and executes the decisions of the National Assembly will end up the same way.

Dodik says that by separating the proceedings, they achieved two goals – they want to speed everything up and deliver verdicts as soon as possible to ban him from political activity, and through Lukić’s example, show how the ordinary people will fare.

“Today it’s Lukić, tomorrow who knows who. I am proud of all the people who, despite intimidation and threats, do not give up on defending the Republic of Srpska. Every visit we make to Sarajevo is a confirmation of our determination to deal with the lying Schmidt,” emphasized Dodik.

He stated that no Serb would ever allow someone like Schmidt to decide instead of the people.

“Everything they tried with this rigged process will only backfire on them. And it’s only a matter of time before that happens,” concluded Dodik.

Reminder: The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has scheduled the beginning of the trial against Miloš Lukić, the acting director of the Official Gazette of Srpska, today, for not implementing the decisions of Christian Schmidt.

Source: RTRS
