Attorney Miljkan Pucar, representing the acting director of the Official Gazette of Republika Srpska, Miloš Lukić, in the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, told RTRS that they have not yet received a decision on the defense’s request to merge the proceedings against Lukić and the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“The indictments have been separated, although we have one accusatory act. We have submitted a request for these two proceedings to be merged, but we have not yet received a decision on this matter. It concerns a procedural solution against which an appeal is not allowed,” Pucar stated.

He expressed hope that the new judge, Sena Uzunović, would accept the defense’s arguments and combine the cases against Lukić and Dodik.

Pucar also said that the same judge should not handle these cases.

“If the accused are in separated cases, the same judge should not lead both cases, as they have already heard evidence and formed an opinion in one case, and will do the same in the other,” Pucar explained.

Speaking about Lukić’s hearing tomorrow, Pucar said that the indictment, or rather one accusatory act in the cases against Dodik and Lukić, will most likely be read.

Source: RTRS
