BiH faces a functionality problem because solutions are being imposed on it that lack a constitutional basis and have not been agreed upon collectively. Essentially, this country possesses limited and highly questionable sovereignty, emphasized today by Staša Košarac, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

Košarac highlighted that this is unacceptable for Republika Srpska.

“Simply put, we do not see our future in an unconstitutional country, more precisely a colony, where usurper /Kristijan/ Schmitt and American ambassador /Michael/ Murphy are the rule-makers to whom all people must unconditionally obey,” he stated.

Košarac emphasized that Republika Srpska always supports internal political dialogue and consensus among domestically elected legitimate representatives.

“Our vote is for constitutional and democratic solutions, not those imposed! That’s the reality, which political structures from Sarajevo, as well as their Western mentors, need to understand sooner rather than later. Awareness of reality must dominate over dreams of centralizing the country. Those dreams will remain unfulfilled,” Košarac declared.

He stressed that BiH will either be constitutional and adhere to the Dayton Agreement, or it will not exist.

Košarac believes that the “logic” of Western embassies, which do not perceive agreed-upon joint decisions by domestically elected political officials as an agreement but as a rebellion against foreign authorities in BiH, is dangerous and unsustainable.

He stated that Republika Srpska would never agree to this and that every imposed solution drives it further away from BiH.

“If they truly wish well for this country, it would be best for foreigners to leave BiH alone. Its fate must be decided by the peoples living in it. The only possible model is an agreement between the two entities and three constituent peoples,” Košarac concluded.

Source: RTRS
