In the coming days, it will become apparent who is ready to serve their people and who puts the fate of their people in the hands of masters, serving them, said the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“These are strange times! It’s February, and there’s no snow in BiH! Despite this, in the coming days, everyone will show their true colors. It will be clear as day who is ready to be the master of their own destiny serving their people, and who puts the fate of their people in the hands of masters, serving them,” Milorad Dodik posted on the social network X.

Dodik stated that the coming days would reveal who truly aims for the European Union and who uses it as an excuse.

“It will be clear who looks forward and who looks in the rearview mirror. Someone diagnosed BiH with the wrong disease 30 years ago. And we were angry at the EU because their therapy doesn’t work, while they were angry at us for not being a disciplined patient,” Dodik elaborated.

Dodik mentioned that if we seek and desire the start of negotiations with the EU, we must behave in a European manner.

He said that the EU and its member states have built a functional union by defining a framework, principles, and rules that everyone interprets and adheres to equally, even when not completely satisfied.

“Our framework is the Dayton Agreement, but some want to interpret it to their advantage, even though it has precisely defined competencies, rights, and obligations. The strength of the EU rests on the ability to reach an agreement that is respected, here, an agreement is considered a weakness. Strength is proven by quarreling and violating agreements,” Dodik emphasized.

The President of Srpska mentioned that it will be seen whether there is a willingness to change this.

“BiH has never been functional, not in the first years after Dayton, nor today. The more competencies were transferred from the entity level to the state level, the worse it functioned, losing the sense of Dayton’s and becoming meaningless,” said Dodik.

Dodik stresses that the reason is that some were not committed to implementing competencies but to taking more and more from the entities.

“A policy based on unattainable goals led to a deadlock. We’ll see if that has changed too. The constitution reflects the real need for a balance of interests of three peoples and two entities and reminds of the rules of the USA or the EU, and I’ve said several times – the problem is not in the constitutional framework, but in the motives and intentions,” said Dodik.

He emphasized that it will be seen whether there are sincere motives.

“Agreement and compromise cannot be made on exclusivity. If it’s not as I want, then you’re against BiH. This is a return to positions that led to tragedy. Serbia wants to join the EU, Croatia is in the EU, we Serbs want Republika Srpska and BiH in the EU with protection mechanisms like the EU. These mechanisms are not always to everyone’s liking, but they guarantee European solidarity. And it’s not about how much will be given to whom. But regardless of the size, everyone has equal rights,” stressed Dodik.

He mentioned that he wants a country that functions like the European Union in the EU, together with Serbia.

“For us Serbs, the EU is an opportunity to live in a space without borders after a very difficult 20th century. We will not miss this chance. But we have nothing to use it with if the price of that is giving up Republika Srpska, our right to manage our own house. BiH can be one functional common house of Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats. A community of two, or rather, three entities. It cannot be a house of one, where we are subtenants,” concluded Dodik.

Source: RTRS
