
Galijašević: Dodik’s life is endangered, even though the US Embassy is trying to dispute it.

Galijašević: Dodik’s life is endangered, even though the US Embassy is trying to dispute it.

President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, should cease visiting the building of the Court of BiH as each visit to that building, given the current security constellation and political infrastructure, puts his personal safety at risk, believes security expert Dževad Galijašević.

“In essence, the real threat to the life of the President of Republika Srpska today represents the biggest threat to peace in BiH, and in this operation, Bosniaks are set up to be the main and only carriers of security destabilization and a new war between Bosniaks and Serbs,” Galijašević told Srna.

He warned that the potential site for an assassination is the area in front of the Court of BiH building, where the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska would find it difficult to fulfill all the necessary conditions to protect Dodik.

Galijašević stated that it is necessary to halt the senseless court process against the President of Srpska in front of that criminalized court until all facts related to the abuses by the arrested president of the Court of BiH, Ranko Debevec, are clarified, and the names of all judges who participated in those abuses and were part of the renegade, mafia-like structure in that judicial institution are determined.

“The fact that American diplomats in informal conversations with influential deputies and politicians from Republika Srpska have indicated the possibility of an assassination attempt on Dodik reveals the intention of further conflict between Bosniaks and Serbs and simply pushing them into an inevitable interethnic and interfaith war, for which the Americans, with these confidential stories, are removing their own responsibility for the planned war,” said Galijašević.

He mentioned that Dodik’s life is seriously endangered, although the US Embassy in Sarajevo tried to dispute the claims made by the president of the SNSD club in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Sanja Vulić.

“Threats to Dodik from the Muslim-Croat entity of the Federation of BiH are constant and escalate primarily from the official, but Bosniak level. The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Federation of BiH, Ramo Isak, leads in this, but the Minister of Defence in the Council of Ministers, Zukan Helez, does not lag far behind,” Galijašević pointed out.

According to him, at the same time, a strictly mounted political process is being conducted in Sarajevo against the President of Republika Srpska under a law enacted by the false High Representative in BiH, Christian Schmidt, whose measures and decisions provoke conflict between Bosniaks and Serbs in the Court of BiH.

Galijašević reminded that the president of the Court of BiH, Ranko Debevec, has been arrested and is in prison in Vojkovići due to the manner of operation and functioning of that court.

“In the search for a judge who will execute this dirty order and a prosecutor who does not understand where such a mounted process is leading us, only Bosniaks are involved. Either there are no such dishonorable judges and prosecutors among Croats and Serbs, or no one but Bosniaks wants to participate in this dirtiness,” Galijašević believes.

He added that Sena Uzunović was eventually appointed as the judge, who, as a military prosecutor in Mostar, belonged to Izetbegović’s Muslim army and later, as a member of the SDA, performed political duties in the Ministry of Justice of the Federation of BiH.

The head of the SNSD club in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Sanja Vulić, pointed out certain information from the circles of the US Embassy that an assassination attempt on Dodik is being prepared.

Source: RTRS
