The Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, stated that special attention must be paid to the security of the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, now when a political process against the President of the Republika Srpska is underway.

“The situation is specific, and we are very cautious. Nothing in Sarajevo happens entirely by chance or naively. We can say that the attacks on the president and political repression are carried out by the American administration. This has been further intensified with the arrival of James O’Brien, the Assistant Secretary of State of the United States,” Košarac mentioned.

He emphasized the importance of ensuring the security of the President of the Republika Srpska.

“Given the fact that everything Dodik personally and politically experiences is below any level. And I think it is the responsibility of all of us to be focused on these events and to appreciate what the President of the Republika does on behalf of all citizens of the Republika Srpska. Dodik promotes the Republika Srpska and its values, appeals for peace, security, and strives for a constitutional Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Košarac highlighted.

Košarac asserts that the Americans are trying to turn Bosnia and Herzegovina into a colony.

“And this is completely recognized. One must be cautious in Sarajevo, and we are aware of the possible security challenges,” Košarac concluded.

More: RTRS
