The Minister of Trade and Tourism of the Republika Srpska, Denis Šulić, stated that today, 40 years after the Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo, Jahorina has once again become a gathering center for people from all around the world.

Šulić mentioned that during the days marking the 40th anniversary of the Winter Olympic Games, Jahorina has seen record attendance, with guests coming from every corner of the globe.

He emphasized that the management of the Olympic Center “Jahorina” deserves thanks for these results, but above all, the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the Government of the Republika Srpska, who had a vision and idea, despite many objections at the time, and initiated an investment cycle on this Olympic beauty.

“Today, we can say that this destination is thriving, not on the wings of some old glory but on the foundation of investment, vision, and following modern trends in the development and branding of winter destinations,” Šulić said.

He highlighted that being an Olympic mountain is more than a good starting point for promotion, but without vision and realized investments, Jahorina would just be a beautiful mountain reminiscing about its glorious days.

“We witness that Jahorina is alive all 365 days a year, and I think this fact is proof that we are marking this jubilee in a worthy manner, preserving and nurturing the spirit of the Olympics and everything it represents,” Šulić stated.

Source: RTRS
