“I would like President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to receive maximum support from the people in the elections. He is a strong leader,” Milorad Dodik said in an interview with RT.
“He deserves it, and if any Russian suddenly doubts, he just needs to remember what the country was like before him,” Dodik added.
He reminded us that Putin has elevated Russia.
“That’s for sure. That’s how I see it. And what the world needs now is Putin’s humane political approach. I listened to his speech in Munich at the security conference in 2007, and everything that has happened in recent years, he predicted it word for word,” Dodik stated.
However, as Dodik says, the West behaved arrogantly.
“Enjoying their own sense of superiority, they ignored everything, including Russia, which has never been a country to be ignored. As a politician, I do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but if we talk about values, you can see exactly how the French government is formed and who leads it. The future that this circle of people is creating can only cause horror. That’s why Putin, as well as people like Orban, Vučić, and many others, are so necessary: to restore faith in traditional values and a way of life,” Dodik said for RT.

Source: RTRS
