I truly do not know on what grounds the American Embassy makes assessments of the integrity of the electoral process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As long as you do not confirm whether there is a parliamentary club of Michael Murphy with whom we should negotiate our laws, meddling in political processes and agreements within BiH is, at the very least, impudent, stated the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.
He emphasized that the U.S. Embassy, with today’s statement, sends an unequivocal message: “We want to have a say and decide here. Representatives of the three nations have no business negotiating; it will be as we say. Elections are not an opportunity for Serbs, Bosniaks, and Croats to choose representatives who will work for their interests, but who will serve us.”
“I find it hard not to get the impression that Murphy openly wants instability in BiH. It is particularly interesting that Michael Murphy, who was delegated by the administration after whose election we witnessed the biggest crisis in the U.S., the storming of the Capitol, and the absence of a peaceful transfer of power, is talking to us about the integrity of the electoral process. Unfortunately, we also witnessed human casualties,” Dodik stated on social media.
He noted that now, when America is on the verge of a new electoral crisis, Michael Murphy’s team is trying to preach about the integrity of the electoral process.
“Get yourself together,” Dodik said.
Dodik, who is also the leader of the SNSD, said that this party remains committed to the agreement reached on January 18.
“We call on all other parties that participated in the agreement to declare whether they will remain committed to it after the illegitimate interference of the American Embassy,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTS
