Milorad Kojić, the Member of the House of Representatives in the Parliament of BiH, has declared that the decision to separate the proceedings against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the acting director of the “Official Gazette,” Milos Lukić, before the Court of BiH is inconsistent with the law. It is evidently made under external pressure with the desire to conclude the trial as quickly as possible.
Kojić informed Srna that from the very beginning, numerous procedural errors have occurred in the case against Dodik and Lukić, including the specific instance of separating the proceedings. In this case, the presiding judge should have sought the opinion of medical experts regarding Lukić’s illness’s extent and the duration of his condition.

“After the expert examination, a decision could have been made at one of the subsequent hearings to potentially separate the proceedings for the sake of efficiency. In this haste, conscious procedural errors are being made, and this decision is not in line with the Criminal Procedure Code,” explained Kojić.

According to him, there is a potential situation where Lukić could recover by the next hearing, and two parallel proceedings on the same case could occur, leading to inefficiency, which is contrary to the law.
Kojić emphasized that the background is clear, but precisely this violation of the Criminal Procedure Code provides the opportunity for an acquittal due to procedural errors made from the very beginning.
He pointed out that the process is being manipulated, but, as he emphasized, it is not surprising because it involves an indictment that should not have been raised, given that Dodik and Lukić were only fulfilling their constitutional and legal obligations.
“Unfortunately, we live in a system where some external forces govern the judiciary and want to influence the annulment of citizens’ will, as well as the legal system and the constitutional-legal arrangement of Republika Srpska,” stated Kojić.
The case in the proceedings against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the acting director of the “Official Gazette of Republika Srpska,” Miloš Lukić, before the Court of BiH, has officially been separated, said Lukić’s lawyer, Miljkan Pucar.
He stated that he was informed yesterday that the case had officially been separated and that they do not have to appear in court on January 30, although the judge at the previous hearing said he would consolidate the cases if Lukić’s health improves.

Source: RTRS
