Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Stasha Košarac, highlighted that Republika Srpska consistently supports peace and stability, considering it as its enduring commitment and primary goal.

Košarac pointed out that Republika Srpska emerged peacefully on January 9, 1992, in Sarajevo, through the decision of the then Assembly of the Serbian people in BiH. Historical facts testify that the Serb people, Republika Srpska, and its political and military leadership were dedicated to achieving peace in all negotiations during the war.

“We remember the Vance-Owen plan, the Cutileiro plan, and the like. We are always for peace,” Košarac wrote on Instagram.

He emphasized that the Serb people are constitutive and exercise the right of a constitutive nation to democratically make decisions about their destiny, determining where and in what kind of state they want to live.

According to him, this right is guaranteed by all international conventions.

“Today, the same international players as in the nineties talk about war. The American president mentions a possible crisis in the countries of the Western Balkans. Who will produce it?! Why does he feel the need to consciously deceive the public and use provocative rhetoric?” Košarac questioned.

He highlighted that the only ones causing instability here are representatives of Western embassies, such as the American ambassador Michael Murphy, who aim to shape solutions outside the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement.

“They support the actions of the illegitimate (Christian) Schmidt, centralization, imposition of laws, modeling of electoral will, taking away constitutional powers, practices in which one people choose political representatives for another people…” Košarac pointed out.

Košarac stresses that they throw dust in the eyes with stories about conflicts, war, and instability. The real intention is to cover up and/or justify their bad intentions towards Republika Srpska.

“Serbs are not a rebellious people, nor a people who want conflict and war. I repeat, we are always for peace and constitutional solutions, internal agreement of the two entities and three constituent peoples in Dayton BiH, without interference from foreigners and their pseudo-democratic solutions,” Košarac concluded.

Source: RTRS
