Constitutional law professor Siniša Karan stated that it is entirely natural and a fact that every person in the world desires to have their own state, and the Serb people do not dispute this with any other people.

“However, Republika Srpska is not only a historical aspiration and desire of the Serb people to have their own state but also a formula for peace,” emphasized Karan in a statement for Srna.

He stressed that in multi-ethnic communities and federal states, the formulas for peace in both political and security senses are federal units, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is Republika Srpska.

In this regard, he added, all those who oppose Srpska, all those who are against it, are directly against peace.

“Let us remind ourselves that peace was established when Republika Srpska gave a part of itself, its sovereignty. Therefore, without Republika Srpska, there is no Bosnia and Herzegovina! For this reason, all of you gentlemen, self-proclaimed protectors in certain Western embassies and followers in the unconstitutional Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, love Republika Srpska to preserve Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Karan stated.

All those who are fighting for Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the professor of constitutional law pointed out, should realize and understand that they should primarily fight for Republika Srpska, as it is precisely the guarantor of the survival of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“The actions of (Christian) Schmidt, certain ambassadors, have shifted from actions of political overthrow of the system in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the security issue of undermining peace and the only peaceful framework for the joint life of Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

So, ladies and gentlemen, the formula for peace in all multi-ethnic countries in the world is a federal organization, as there is actually no other guarantor of equality of peoples in such states, and Republika Srpska is, in fact, the pillar of the constitutional system of a complex, multi-ethnic, federal state community in BiH,” emphasized Karan.

Source: RTRS
