Professor Nenad Kecmanović has assessed that everything happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) since the arrival of the false High Representative in Sarajevo is a recognizable mess. He emphasized that the situation irresistibly reminds him, first of all, of the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) and then the breakup of the Republika Srpska (RS).

Kecmanović stated that it would be much wiser for the US and the EU to send three foreign judges home from the Constitutional Court of BiH, whose Dayton term has expired, instead of struggling with the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik and the leader of the HDZ Dragan Čović to fill two, or rather, one national seat in this court.

“Left to his own devices, Christian Schmidt sees the only solution for everything in arresting Dodik online with the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Federation of BiH, Isak Rama, and the Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers, Zukan and Helez,” said Kecmanović to Srna.

Speaking about the session of the Constitutional Court of BiH, which on Thursday, in an online format without the presence of Serb judges, decided on the Criminal Code of Republika Srpska, Kecmanović said that he is not competent for constitutional-legal intricacies, but based on common sense, he recognized a mess in everything happening in BiH since the arrival of the false High Representative in Sarajevo.

Kecmanović assessed that the situation irresistibly reminds him, first of all, of the disintegration of the SFRY and then the breakup of the RS.

“In both cases, internal antagonisms were promoted by the ‘international community’—in  the first by endorsing the secession of Slovenia and Croatia and in the second by recognizing the referendum on the secession of BiH agains equal Serb people,” Kecmanović said.

He pointed out that in neither case did this happen without a civil war.

“However, it is still unclear whether Schmidt was sent to rekindle the fire in the barrel of gunpowder in BiH and give an alibi to the collective West to impose a state of emergency and the military administration of EUFOR, or to state that BiH is in a state of disintegration and legalize the independence of Republika Srpska, Herzeg-Bosnia, and Bosniak Bosnia,” said Kecmanović.

According to him, no matter how unlikely the latter assumption may seem due to the Western rhetoric of a united state, if you look at the reality on the ground, the situation has largely moved in the opposite direction of an unfinished, unsuccessful, and failed state.

“As Abdulah Sidran’s stepmother says, ‘They constantly tell us that they will not allow Bosnia to be divided, and that has already happened in reality.’ Both the US and the EU are so busy with their internal divisions that they would deal with the unity of Bosnia. If both were busy in Ukraine and the Middle East, they would open another potentially regional hotspot,” concluded Kecmanović.

The session of the Constitutional Court of BiH was held on Thursday, January 18, without a single judge from the ranks of the Serbian people and online because foreign judges could not come due to canceled flights.

In 2022, the mandate of Miodrag Simović expired, and the only remaining judge, Serb Zlatko Knežević, officially went into early retirement at the beginning of this year at his own request.

Since January 3, the Constitutional Court of BiH has had two Bosniak and one Croatian judge left, as well as an Albanian, a Swiss, and a German appointed by the European Court of Human Rights. At least six times in post-Dayton BiH, Republika Srpska has proposed a law to the Constitutional Court and insisted that foreigners return to their countries.

Source: RTRS
