The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, emphasized today that the Constitutional Court of BiH is officially a foreign political organization, and its decisions have no significance on the territory of Republika Srpska.
“They can have as many sessions as they want, all those foreigners there, but for Republika Srpska, they do not exist,” Dodik stated in a post on social media X

He underscored that everything decided in that court will be considered illegitimate until a law on the Constitutional Court is enacted, as decided by the National Assembly of Republika Srpska.
The Constitutional Court of BiH called on the National Assembly of Republika Srpska and the House of Representatives of the Federation of BiH yesterday to promptly elect judges who are missing in the Constitutional Court of BiH to enable the smooth functioning of this institution.
The session of the Constitutional Court of BiH was held without a single judge from the Serb people, and it was conducted online because foreign judges could not attend due to canceled flights.
Already in 2022, the mandate expired for Miodrag Simović, and the only remaining Serb judge, Zlatko Knežević, officially retired at the beginning of this year at his own request.
Since January 3, the Constitutional Court of BiH has had two Bosniak and one Croat judge, as well as an Albanian, a Swiss, and a German, appointed by the European Court of Human Rights.
At least six times in post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska has proposed a law to the Constitutional Court and insisted that foreigners return to their countries.

Source: RTRS
