Goran Petronijević, lawyer and member of the defense team for the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that his client and acting director of the Official Gazette, Miloš Lukić, are not receiving a fair trial in Sarajevo.

“I believe there is no basis for a fair trial because all the circumstances and the manner in which the proceedings were initiated, as well as the pressure exerted on the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office by the American Embassy, Christian Schmidt, and even the domestic public and media, point to that,” said Petronijević in a statement to Radio Republika Srpska.

It is worth noting that a hearing against Dodik and Lukić is scheduled in the BiH Court for tomorrow.

The Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, Milanko Kajganić, rejected the defense’s request by President Dodik to disqualify four prosecutors.

Source: RTRS
