Dean of the Banja Luka Faculty of Security and Protection, Slobodan Župljanin, stated that the warmongering statement by Professor Mithad Ćeman is a continuation of provocations and threats coming from the Federation of BiH with the aim of instilling fear and creating a perception of constant tension in BiH.

“This message is nothing new, just one in a series of senseless messages, which also amounts to shooting into emptiness. Its function is to provoke fear and create a perception of constant tension in BiH,” assessed Župljanin.

He emphasized that Ćeman’s claim that “it’s not a dilemma of whether there will be war, but when there will be war” is a product of his imagination and is not grounded in anything except unrealistic desires from the Federation of BiH.

Župljanin emphasized that it is sad that no one reacts to such messages and threats.

“Because if we were in a rule-of-law state, Ćeman would have been arrested and prosecuted the moment his post saw the light of day,” said Župljanin.

He warned that these are criminal acts against the security of citizens.

“These messages will only contribute to the swift disappearance of BiH as it is, as well as to the greater determination of Republika Srpska to defend its values, property, institutions, and the freedom of its citizens,” stated Župljanin.

Source: RTRS
