President of the Union of Serbs from the Region, Milorad Linta, stated that recent hate crimes against Serbs, including the burning of the Serb flag in Zenica with shouts of “Allahu Akbar,” are brutal threats to the remaining few Serbs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a clear sign that there is no peace for them.

“Burning the Serb flag in Zenica with war cries of ‘Allahu Akbar,’ carrying the war flag of the so-called Army of BiH, removing the Serbian flag from the Orthodox Church of St. Vasilije Ostroški in Konjic, and stoning the house of the Serb Šantić family in the Mostar settlement of Bijelo Polje on Christmas are clear signs that there is no peace for the few Serbs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” stated Linta in a written statement.

He emphasized that the mentioned hate crimes constitute a brutal threat to Serbs, causing fear and distress among the community.

Linta expects Bosniak and Croat political parties in BiH to strongly condemn these hate crimes, and he calls on the authorities to identify the instigators and perpetrators, bringing them to justice with the harshest penalties.

“It is high time for the western part of the international community to change its one-sided approach to events in BiH, namely, to stop favoring the Bosniaks and political Sarajevo,” concluded Linta.

Furthermore, as Linta noted, the few Serbs in the Federation are discriminated against in many areas of social life, with the aim of driving them away from their ancestral homes.

Source: RTRS
