“President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik emphasizes that the citizens of Srpska identify with January 9, and that it becomes a way of life.”

” I feel a positive mood among the citizens, and I see that an increasing number of people are planning to align their private commitments with the celebration of Republic Day. I am glad that the flag-raising initiative has gained momentum. The reason for this is not, as some claim, defiance, but something else is at stake. People increasingly understand that Republika Srpska is the only way to survive, and if Republika Srpska diminishes or disappears, so does the perspective for the future,” said Dodik.

He emphasized that one should not ignore the fact that constant attacks on that day evoke a reaction that, as he says, is dear to him.

“People identify with that date, and it becomes a way of life. Today, you don’t have anyone who doesn’t know that January 9 is important to us. If there hadn’t been a ban from the Constitutional Court of BiH, maybe all of this would have been more modest. You remember some earlier celebrations that began and ended with an academy at the Banski Dvor. Today, it’s different; everyone wants to participate, and we have, under the alleged signs, a small problem of how to articulate all of that,” said Dodik for Glas Srpske.

Responding to the question of whether he resents Montenegro’s President Jakov Milatović for refusing to attend the celebration of Republic Day, Dodik said that he not only resents that but also that he was, as he says, “the first to talk about genocide.”

“I will instruct my services to gather all information from those British archives related to the manipulation of that massacre, and then I will send it to him by registered mail. Who is he to claim it was genocide? Regardless of what anyone thinks about it, a number of people in Montenegro respect me, and I will talk to them when new elections come,” said Dodik.

In the event that Christian Schmidt imposes a decision on property, Dodik said that the National Assembly will declare the independence of Republika Srpska.

“What do we have left? To claim that Schmidt is not right or that he is not legal. We have said that a hundred times. We will not create any disorder. We will only do all the things prescribed by the Constitution. We will call on all our representatives from joint institutions to return to Republika Srpska. We would leave that story, let BiH remain within those Dayton competencies to function, but Republika Srpska and its independence will be built through the return of powers,” said Dodik.

“If they continue to implement repression against us,” Dodik emphasizes, “Republika Srpska would move towards real independence.”

“After these words, they will again revel in Sarajevo for two days, but we have nothing to do with that. Foreigners order them that fun,” concluded Dodik.

Source: RTRS
