The symphony orchestra of the National Theater of the Republika Srpska, along with the Banja Luka band SOPOT and Balkan soul star Marko Luis, will perform on January 13 at 9 p.m. in the small hall of the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad. 

Namely, SO NPRS will have the honor of playing with a band that has behind it an enviable career, a European tour, more than 300 concerts and performances at festivals, and three albums. The band composed music for theater performances in NPRS, music for feature films and documentaries, as well as for television programs. 

They play authentic music that creates a fusion of Balkan art with modern technology. Accustomed to collaborating with domestic and foreign performers, it will be a real pleasure to listen to a performance with the NPRS Symphony Orchestra. Especially with the voice of Mark Lewis who creates a mix of soul music and hip hop rhythms, as well as influences from Afro-culture and ornaments of the Balkans, Bulgaria, India and Iran.

Source: NPRS
