The decision of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH to file charges against Dragan Spasojević, Vinko Radović, Dragomir Vasić, and Petko Panić for alleged attacks on the Bosniak population in Zvornik is a complete legal absurdity and another attempt to demonize Serbs at any cost, said Radan Ostojić, the president of the Veterans’ Organization of Republika Srpska (BOR).

“How else can one explain the fact that charges are brought for the third time against the People’s Deputy Dragomir Vasić for alleged war crimes?” emphasized Ostojić.

He reminded us that, unfortunately, this is not an isolated case where new indictments are raised against Serb fighters for alleged acts committed during the war after acquittals, and it seems that, in the eyes of the judicial authorities of BiH, it is enough to be a Serb for indictments to be continuously filed.
Ostojić added that the question arises about the rights of these people, whether they have the right to a normal life or if they must spend it fighting to prove their innocence against fabricated accusations from the judicial institutions of BiH.

Therefore, the president of BOR called on the institutions of Republika Srpska to protect its citizens and provide them with maximum support in the fight against the lies that have been imposed on them for years with the aim of demonizing not only them personally but also the entire Defense-Patriotic War and Republika Srpska.

The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH has filed charges against Dragan Spasojević (58), Vinko Radović (64), Dragomir Vasić (59), and Petko Panić (71) on suspicion of allegedly committing the criminal offense of crimes against humanity in the Zvornik area.

Separately, charges were also filed against 11 individuals for alleged crimes against the Bosniak population in the Zvornik area and its surroundings at the end of May and the beginning of June 1992.
Charges have been filed against Vidoje Blagojević, Ivan Arapović, Milan Arapović, Kosta Pejić, Božo Radić, Mile Savić, Mile Blagojević, Ljubiša Pejić, Steva Vasiljević, Branko Pejić, and Verica Radović, as announced by the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.

Source: RTRS
