Christian Schmidt will never question anything, including the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as he is not legitimate, stated today the President of the Republika Srpska Government, Radovan Višković.
“Schmidt is wandering to justify a salary of 25,000 euros, pretending to have some authority and power. He doesn’t inquire about anything, nor will he ever ask anything,” Višković told reporters.

He emphasized that “Schmidt’s theatrics and decisions hold no water” because he cannot summon lawmakers to talk to them about the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
“Everywhere in the world, the election law is the competence of the parliamentary assembly.

Schmidt, come to your senses and leave the decisions to people who are paid for it! We need to change the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and representatives of the Croatian people demand consideration of the constitutionality of the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina so that Željko Komšić does not represent them, but, as they say, someone who is legitimate,” Višković added.

Source: RTRS
