The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that he is proud that Russian President Vladimir Putin recently expressed support for the policies of Srpska, emphasizing that the policies of Republika Srpska and Russia overlap.

“I consider this mostly my merit. I am the only one who talks to him under the leadership of Srpska. He knows what is going on. The only problem is that we are trying to explain to the West, but they won’t listen; they have their predetermined tasks,” Dodik emphasized.

The President of Srpska stated that BiH is unsustainable and entirely incapable of existing, and throughout history, neither Austria-Hungary nor the king, nor Tito, nor the six high representatives managed to unite the people in BiH because it cannot be a state; it lacks the elements.

“The only people who can make a state are the Serbian people. And we are demonstrating this through Republika Srpska. If BiH were to fall apart at this moment, nothing could exist except Republika Srpska. We would continue to live as an independent state the next day. They would all fall apart; there would be no cantons; Muslims and Croats would have to disperse,” Dodik said on “Hepi” television.
He assessed that all Bosniak Muslim parties in BiH have the same goal: the unitarization and centralization of BiH, which implies the centralization of all power in Sarajevo, from which 156,000 Serbs were expelled, and they have not returned, leaving a wealth of more than 80 billion dollars.
“And all our problems with the West are that the West thinks we should accept this, that we are to blame throughout history, and their history only goes back to the guilt they attribute to us for 1992. We did not break up Yugoslavia,” Dodik noted.

He said that Serbs are a freedom-loving people, and the key word for them is freedom because without freedom, there is no existence, which is best seen among Serbs in Croatia and in FBiH.
Dodik stated that there is a constant effort to declare Serbs as fascists and genocidal because it is necessary to cleanse German history, and a British resolution was supposed to be adopted in the UN Security Council about it, which Russia prevented.
Speaking about the former director of the Intelligence Security Agency of BiH, Osman Mehmedagić, who was arrested, Dodik reminded him that during his mandate, that service even had an order to monitor Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.

“I saw that order. Vučić knows about it. An order to monitor the leadership of Serbia? How far have they gone?” Dodik noted, adding that it is a public secret that Americans control both intelligence agencies, and Mehmedagić would never be the director if the Americans and the CIA did not ask for it.
The President of Republika Srpska stated that he does not communicate with the U.S. Ambassador to Sarajevo, Michael Murphy, and that it is not a whim.

“We said when someone else comes from America who wants to talk to us, not make decisions about us, we will talk,” said the President of Republika Srpska.

Dodik said that America is still strong, and confrontation with it should be avoided, but America is not what it used to be.

Speaking about the EU, Dodik mentioned that in Europe today, there is a structure consisting of the Greens, which is subservient to the U.S. administration, which globally has only one interest: to prevent the rapprochement of Europe and Russia.

He pointed out that declaring the independence of Republika Srpska would be the ultimate measure taken as a reaction because impositions, especially confiscation of property that Srpska as a state has, would not be tolerated.

“Republika Srpska is a state in every respect—in terms of territory, people, and functions it performs. The fact that some do not want to recognize that we are a state is their problem, but we live the life of a state. BiH is a necessity for us and is nothing that we need,” Dodik said.

Source: RTRS
