“The installed judiciary at the Bosnia and Herzegovina level has never served the purpose of establishing healthy social relationships; rather, it has been a tool in the hands of certain centers continuously causing disorder and unrest in Bosnia and Herzegovina to achieve political objectives, which is more evident than ever in the attempt to condemn the President of Republika Srpska and the acting Director of the Official Gazette of Srpska,” stated the Serbian delegate in the House of Peoples of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Parliament, Snježana Novaković Bursać.

“Until now, we have witnessed the misuse of investigations and judicial processes to ‘cleanse’ major criminals through sloppy investigations or to establish a distorted image of the past civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina through various unjust standards. However, we have not seen an attempt to break down the constitutional-legal system based on the Dayton Peace Agreement, which is the real purpose of this process,” said Bursać to Srna.

She emphasized that in the attempt to convict the President of Republika Srpska for performing his constitutional role, someone is actually trying to establish a new state where the decrees of various foreigners would hold greater legal force than the Constitution of Republika Srpska, leading to the direct collapse of the entire Dayton, or constitutional structure, of this country.

“In processes happening worldwide, we can find the answer as to why there’s a rush to remove certain individuals considered undesirable from the social and political life of this country,” concluded Bursać.
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Court today stated that there would be no postponement of the trial planned for Wednesday, December 20, and that there would be no reconsideration of the repeated or second request by President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik’s defense to transfer the criminal proceedings to the competent court in Banja Luka.

Dodik assessed that the Bosnia and Herzegovina Court’s refusal to delay the hearing, as requested by his defense, indicates a clear attempt to expedite the process and reach a verdict without proper rights as soon as possible.
