After the successful performance of the opera “Carmen – a Tragedy”, the Symphony Orchestra of the National Theater continues with its series of concerts. The now traditional cycle of “Introduction” concerts, in which the employed instrumentalists of the NPRS Symphony Orchestra are presented, will be held 21. December (Thursday) at 8 p.m. on the Great Stage of NPRS. As the conductor and artistic director of the NPRS Symphony Orchestra explained, the “introductions” will serve to introduce us to the greatest works of chamber music written for the most diverse ensembles.

The concert will feature the works of composers whose work we now call the Viennese Classical School of Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as well as works by Miroslav Miletić.

For Ludwig van Beethoven it is perhaps most accurate to say that his work is a bridge that connects the eras of classicism and romanticism in music. Sonata for horn and piano opus 17 was commissioned for a concert by the then famous horn player Giovanni Punto, at which the composer himself played the piano. The performance was a great success, and the piece itself does not exude revolutionary musical ideas, but it is an example of Beethoven’s fantastic skill and professionalism.

Interpretation of compositions Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is probably a challenge and a source of joy for every musician. Namely, the performance of such delicate music, in which every note resonates with meaning and beauty, easily reveals the performer’s imperfections, and yet, offers him the opportunity to get closer to the source from which that purity came.

At the end of the concert we will listen to the compositions of the composer Miroslav Miletić who uses the scherzo form, i.e. a standard musical form, to express modern musical ideas, in addition using folk motifs and chants.

The concert will be performed by: Mirko Marić (horn), Jelena Lazić (piano), Mina Đekić (violin) and Rade Živanović (violin).

Source: NPRS
