“President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, Nenad Stevandic, stated that the judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina acts very swiftly whenever something is against Serb, and that the recent arrests continue to pressure Republika Srpska.

‘Whenever something is against Serb, it goes express,’ said Stevandic, highlighting that there has been a shortage of significant cases in the last year. He also mentioned that there are attempts to undermine the authority of Republika Srpska, and these arrests of people suspected or being prepared to be accused come as pressure tactics.

Stevandic added that there are cases where individuals are acquitted, only for charges to be brought up again, which he considers a breach of both moral and legal norms.

‘However, this is undoubtedly an increase in pressure on Republika Srpska due to the overall political situation, and we will be compelled to seek an appropriate response to these matters,’ stated Stevandic.”

Source: RTRS
