“President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, emphasized that the upcoming hearing in the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina against him will likely not take place again, as some lawyers who were supposed to be involved in the previous trial requested it to be postponed after December 20, which the judge did not consider.

‘They intentionally set it for the 20th. They are making some kind of ruckus again,’ Dodik stated, adding that it’s impossible to comment on this from an objective standpoint.

‘If it were objective, realistic, and lawful, this wouldn’t have happened. But since it’s not, anything is possible there,’ Dodik added.

Dodik mentioned that even 10 years ago, he contested the jurisdiction of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, discussing it with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, as there was immense dissatisfaction in Republika Srpska at that time.

‘Now, I’ve agreed to show how absurd and disconnected it is from law and fairness,’ Dodik said, noting that it’s a political court of a political institution.

‘It’s under the control of the SDA, as the American Ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Michael Murphy, said. He didn’t want to go further and said it’s intelligence services, but that’s it, everyone knows how it’s connected,’ Dodik stated.”

Source: RTRS
