“The existence of the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents nothing but a continuation of colonial governance by major world powers, attempting to maintain a vassal relationship,” evaluated Professor Gregory Simmons for SRNA. He teaches at the University of Uppsala and is a lecturer at the Department of Communication Studies at Turiba University.

“This isn’t an unusual historical practice. This is what colonial powers do. They usually have their representative in the country. Britain had governors who were above the law, Nazis had gauleiters. This is about power dynamics. They want Bosnia and Herzegovina to be a state in a subordinate and dependent position,” stated Simmons.

Simmons questions how the US can employ rhetoric about establishing order in the international system when they breach that principle because countries don’t have the right to determine their own future.

He also highlights that the US has departed from the world order based on the rule of law and is now advocating for the principle of rule-based governance.

“Rules are not the same as law. They do what they want. We can draw parallels with Syria. They have no basis to be in Syria. Iraq asked them to leave their territory, they ignore that and intend to send a special envoy,” emphasized Simmons, who held a lecture in Banja Luka today on the topic of ‘Information Policy and the World Order: Interpretations and Meaning Production.’

Professor Simmons is the author and/or editor of 17 books, 30 chapters in books, and more than 120 texts. As an expert, he has delivered around 400 public appearances and provided 350 interviews to media outlets worldwide.

Source: RTRS
